Auto Lease Swap
How to trade in your lease or assume a lease car
The concept of a lease swap is for the most part relatively new, especially on the internet. It is a very interesting concept, and best of all is very easy to accomplish.
There are two options when it comes to trading a lease:
Option #1: You can get out of your current lease and find someone to assume it for you.
Option #2: You can find someone who wants to get out of their lease and assume their auto lease.
Either way, you are saving a lot of money with a lease swap. If you can swap your lease rather than try to get out of the lease on your own, you can literally save thousands of dollars in fees. And if you assume a lease from someone else, you can save the costs of initiating a new lease.
There are a few lease transfer and lease assumption companies that operate online, but only a few that are reputable. We have reviewed several of them and after comparing the experiences of our editors with those of many of our visitors, we have found the following great lease swap resources.
Trading or Transferring Your Current Lease
Swapalease offers a fast, easy and best of all affordable way to trade your current auto lease. You simply list your car information and the details of your lease. Your information is displayed to a national lease audience - people who are looking to take over your lease - until your vehicle is transferred to someone. The best part is, you save yourself a lot of money by not having to break your lease. Swapalease is the best way to get out of your car lease.
Assuming or Taking Over an Auto Lease
You can save a lot of money by assuming an existing lease rather than getting a brand new lease on your own. You can get a short-term lease, not put any money down and pay less than national rates.
As far as the depreciation, which is the difference between the initial price and what the car is worth at the end of the lease, the seller has already paid most of this amount, so you won't have to.
To begin the process, start with a free lease car search today.
To learn more about a Lease Swap click the links provided and find out if a lease swap is right for you.
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